National Team (Women)

Meet the Capricorn Eagles

Proud, Inspiring and Courageous in its hunt, yet Selfless in it’s deliverance. With a powerful Vision, the Eagle works meticulously off the field to succeed on it. It represents not only an emblem, but a Team, a Nation”

Irene van zyl


Yasmeen Khan

Vice captain / wK

Victoria Hamunyela

Kayleen Green

Sylvia Shihepo

Aarasta Diergaardt

Didi Foerster

Reehana Khan

Adri Van der Merwe

Namusha Shiwomwenyo

Wilka Mwatile

Mekelaye Mwatile

Sune Wittmann

Mezerly Gorases

Edelle Van Zyl

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